The stitches album cover uses handmade elements to create the artwork. The materials used are yarn, knitting needles, and beading wire. The yarn is knit into an I-cord and wire used to manipulate the shape of the artist’s name. The photoshoot was art directed by me.
Striking Fashion Festival is an event to promote hand knitting and hand knit fashion. It pays homage to the knitting techniques taught by your granny, but shows the world how knitting design has evolved to a more fashion forward level. All photographic elements were hand made, and the photoshoot was art directed by me.
Legua is a translation app for the busy traveler. It makes it very simple and easy to translate audible speech, handwriting, typed text, and text from images.
Code U is a Brochure design for a coding school designed for adults of all ages. Other branding elements include a poster, tote bags, and ID cards.
Coco Nibs is a packaging design for dog food catered to families with preschool-aged children. The typography is illustrated by hand. Dielines were created, and the image was then cut out and shaped into a box. The photoshoot was art directed by me.
Wandered Magazine is a design catering to the unconventional tourist. This person likes to explore caves, go on nature walks, and experience tribal cultural festivals. Have a look at the beauty of West Africa in this issue.